Sunday, 17 June 2012

double exposure

After creating the growing up in a picture images they looked really strong, and i think the images are quite powerful as they stood and i ran the risk of over complicating the images. So i wanted to leave them as they are and i needed to decide what my next step was still using the same concept.

I think even though i used a projector for the previous images, they remind me and have a very similar effect to what double exposure photographs have

double exposure photographs is a darkroom technique when you basically layer two slides or film and expose them together creating this layered effect, but there is also a way to do it using Photo shop and replicating the same effect digitally which is what i intend to do.

Edmund Kesting
Edmund Kesting is a classic example of film double exposure and one of the first photographers to really experiment with this technique, where he created these really powerful black and white photographs of various people. He would use there silhouettes  and then layer there portrait on top, and he wouldn't  just stick to double exposures he would sometimes even do triple exposures creating these beautiful photographs that captured a lot of movement and energy

another photographer who uses the same technique is Matt Wisniewski who is a much more recent photographer who uses the same technique but does it digitally, and he uses this technique in fashion photography  instead of using silhouettes he plays with the natural environment which is layered on to the models so even though its them same technique it gives a completely different effect

 i really like like how using this technique creates a lot of movement using static images so i think the next step is to try and create my own double exposure shots.

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