Sunday, 11 March 2012

Forever I've known nothings forever

For the last 2 weeks we have been asked to chose a peice of text that we found interesting, and to create a peice of imagery to go with the text and I decided to use a Maccabees lyric "forever I've known nothings forever" from the song "forever I've known" which I thought was a nice little play on words. It also was a very open peice of text so I wouldn't really be constricting myself. So the basic idea for the imagery was there was a band of skulls album cover i really liked which was created by their bass player the album was "Baby doll face honey"  its this beautiful paint and ink piece that had been mirrored and when you looked closer you could depict these interesting shapes and imagery much like the Rorschach test . I wanted to create somthing on these lines so I started to experiment with paints by creating interesting shapes on a piece of paper and then literally folding the paper in half so that it creates these crazy quite intricate shapes and patterns. very similar to something you would in early primary school when you had to create butterflies, but obviously i wanted it to be a lot more sophisticated than that.

so after scanning them in to the computer I really went to work on them in Photoshop. Firstly I mirrored them and then I started to play around with layering them, and for the type I wanted to keep it really quite basic as the imagery was really quite busy and psychedelic looking so I didn't want to over complicate things. some of the type has been inspired by my previous project for the album covers and here are my results

the results have come out better than expected there are some really intricate and interesting textures that are not apparent at first glance but once you  really look up close you really notice them im really pleased with the results.

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