Sunday, 11 March 2012


This week we have been asked to create a movie poster for the Roman Polanski film Cul-de-sac  and no imagery from the film is to be be used on the poster.

Cul-de-sac although a film i wouldn't necessarily pick was an interesting film and although as a story line i dint really like it i could appreciate it for its artistic quality's and certain camera angles were really nice and a thing i really liked was how there was always little subtle hints throughout the film.

In some country's still to this day when a movie is released in the country the movie artwork isn't always necessarily at hand so its up to designers and illustrators to create the artwork so they have to try and get the the general gist of the film in the poster, a good example for doing this is Poland

so we had to basically do the same thing the original poster for Cul-de-sac was created by a very famous designer Jan Lenica who was often the designer commissioned for most of Roman Polanski films

this is the original Cul-de-sac poster that was actually used which has really nice well thought out shapes and really nice painterly quality's and in contrast really crisp, sharp text which was usual for Jan Lenikas work

so for my poster i started to think about the word Cul-de-sac and what it meant i started to think about words like dead end and confined,  i then found this really nice image of two cliffs with the sea in between them which was perfect because not only did it look very similar to the set in the movie. i also had this idea to try and confine the the text in between the two cliffs to to give the feel of  a cul-de-sac. I feel that the sepia effect one is my more stronger poster as it has a better feel of the film as the film was in black and white. if i had used the colour one it wouldn't really give the feel of the movie, im really happy with the layout of the poster for the text i tried to blend the words together to made them appear trapped together which i think has worked really well and i think my poster does give a general feel and atmosphere of the film.

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