Saturday, 11 February 2012

Album covers

Album covers we have been asked to choose from a list of bands and titles and to create album covers for the chosen band and song title. I chose "Cage the elephant" "shake me down"  after watching the bands video i got a general feel for the song and what its about, the video is quite sad it follows a man through his memorys before he dies and, the video uses a lot of Autumn colours  lots of rich burnt out colours.

I wanted to approach this brief photographically as i thought photographs would best fit the song as photographs are seen as memories, i then wanted to use bleach and burn out certain sections  when you bleach out photographs they go this fantastic orange and brown colour which are quite autumnal colours and the bleached out section would represent the memories fading

for the text i wanted to try doing some hand rendered  as i thought that would lend it self to the style of the photographs i wanted to create some really quite scratchy quite free text much like vaughan oliver

i wanted to create a scratchy effect so i used a blunt stick and did some text in stick and ink i then scanned them in and i inverted them into white as i thought the photographs were pretty busy so i didn't want to over complicate things, when i did try with the text in black it didn't really stand out it just blended in with the trees

I really like the outcomes the text has come out brilliantly and has a great contrast against the burnt photographs  and i think most importantly it has general feel of the song.
 another thing i thought would be a great idea was to use the pin hole photographs as i thought the double exposures looked great and i think would really lend them self to the brief

i started to play around with digital text in Photoshop and started to play around with lines and composition although they do look great i didn't really think they portrayed the song very well and i really just preferred the previous covers, the other cover are a lot more stronger and a have a bigger impact and really stand out.

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